World First

What does it feel like to be first? Ask the owners of these badges. They'll know.

Awarded 18 times:

inverted3 105 3 1 on 12/25/2017 for a_global_presence
hfitzwater 460 4 2 on 01/04/2018 for backup_restore
hfitzwater 460 4 2 on 01/12/2018 for basic_face_detection
mindroc.alin 490 1 on 11/19/2017 for collision_course
bluewall21 245 1 on 01/04/2018 for help_me_unpack
ed.collen 15 1 on 11/06/2017 for mini_miner
nima 245 4 1 on 12/10/2017 for password_hashing
nima 245 4 1 on 12/09/2017 for serving_dns
mbachmann87 45 1 on 11/13/2017 for tales_of_ssl
inverted3 105 3 1 on 11/28/2017 for the_redis_one
hfitzwater 460 4 2 on 01/10/2018 for visual_basic_math
punitx 490 4 on 01/23/2018 for websocket_chit_chat
punitx 490 4 on 03/17/2018 for dockerized_solutions
nmdanny 365 1 on 03/23/2018 for hosting_git
punitx 490 4 on 03/27/2018 for jotting_jwts
frenchbread 490 1 3 on 09/04/2018 for brute_force_zip
punitx 490 4 on 09/09/2018 for touch_tone_dialing
akshayKMR 215 1 on 11/24/2018 for reading_qr